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Salamalekis G 
Low AMH serum concentration on day 3, what is the meaning
Salehnia Mojdeh 
The expression of genes related to apoptosis in cultures of follicles derived from vitrified and non-vitrified ovaries
Santos Jorge 
Bariatric surgery and reproductive life
Scaravelli Giulia 
The Italian National ART Register
Scarselli Gian Franco 
Integrated approach of endoscopy and ART in infertile patients with endometriosis
Schenker Eran 
Life in space
Schenker Inon 
Male circumcision for HIV prevention: from science to large-scale interventions, strengthening men's sexual and reprodcutive health in Africa
Schenker Joseph 
Future trends in reproductive medicine
Schillaci R. 
Human papilloma virus association with outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF): a prospective study
Schmutzler Andreas G. 
Theory and practice of preimplantation genetic screening
Schneider Hermann P.G. 
Effects on breast cancer and other hormone sensitive tumours
Sciarra John 
Obstetrics and Gynecology in the developing world
Selvaraj P. 
Embryo survival rates in frozen-thawed cycles - A comparison between in-house and commercial media
Shimizu Y. 
Dienogest, a syntehtic progestin, has a direct antiproliferative effect on human endometrial epithelial cells via suppression of cyclin D1 gene expression
Shulman Lee 
YAZ: clinical experience in the US
Shurshalina Anna 
Characteristics of immune status in infertile women in IVF program positive for thyroid autoantibodies
Shurshalina AV. 
CD138 in endometrium: inflammation and receptivity
Silva Carvalho Joao Luis 
Characterization of infertility in Portugal from knowledge and attitudes to behaviours and practices
Silva Vladimiro 
Health economics and IVF
Simi G. 
DHEA supplementation in poor responders improves follicular microenvironment
Simi Paolo 
Genetic screening in infertile couples for ART
Simoncini Tommaso 
Rapid signalling of estrogen and progesterone receptors to the cytoskeleton
Simoncini Tommaso 
Breast tissue: effects of drospirenone
Simonet F. 
Primary birthing attendants and birth outcomes in remote Inuit communities - a natural
Siseles Nestor 
Contraception in the menopausal transition
Soderstrom-Anttila Viveca 
Single versus two or more embryo transfer
Steele M. 
Embryo development and implantation potential in Cook and Medicult sequential culture media
Steyn P. 
Attitude of parents towards puberty and sexuality in cognitive impaired children
Strandell Annika 
Patients with hydrosalpinx
Strauss Jerome F. 
Memorial Speeches
Strauss Jerome F. 
Molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypes of PCOS
Stuppia Liborio 
Alterations of mRNA storage in human cryopreserved oocytes as evidenced by expression profiling
Sturdee David 
The hot flush: enigma of the menopause
Suhartono SH. 
The microsatellite polymorphism (tttta)n in promoter of the CYP11a gene in Java women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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