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Baber R. 
Barely old enough: managing premature menopause
Bach J.F. 
Woman and immune system
Barkalina N. 
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) as a systemic inflammatory condition: a possible role in ART pregnancy complications
Barri P. 
Medical management and fertility preservation in patients with endometrial cancer
Baulieu E.E. 
RU486 (Mifepristone) new antiprogestins and novel uses
Bazot M. 
Which imaging for deeply infiltrating endometriosis
Bello T. 
A Combination of Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture Might Affect Sperm Characteristics in Infertile Couples
Ben Rafael Z. 
Myomectomy during Cesarean Section, is it contraindicated?
Benedetti Panici P.L. 
The evolving concept of radicality in the surgical control of cervical cancer
Benedetto C. 
To "E" or not to "E": contraception without estrogen
Berezovskaya J. 
Diagnostic Value of Urethral Reverse Pressure Rate
Bettocchi S. 
Office hysteroscopy
Biglia N. 
Quality of life after breast cancer: data from the Liberate trial
Birkhaeuser M. 
HRT for menopausal symptoms and quality of life
Bitzer J. 
Female sexuality and chronic pelvic pain
Bolis P.F. 
Surgical treatment of endometrial cancer: new perspectives
Boncinelli V. 
Menopause: a critical time for female sexuality
Bonnet P. 
Surgical anatomy of the pelvis
Borruto F. 
HPV vaccination
Bouchard P. 
Can we expect potential advantages of natural estrogens in OCs?
Boulle N. 
Histone deacetylases and breast cancer: towards new therapeutic tools?
Brassesco M. 
Comparison between agonists and antagonists on donors' ovarian stimulation protocol
Brincat M. 
Intervertebral discs and the Menopause and HRT
Bruni V. 
Il ginecologo di fronte all'adolescente

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