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Portale Giovani Medici

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Firenze Fiera 
17/09/2014 - 19/09/2014
Programma Evento
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Racz Kristof
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON TRANSPLANTATION - Association between perioperative factors and in-hospital mortality of patients undergoing orthotopic heart transplantation
Ranucci M.
Platelet function tests and postoperative bleeding
Ranucci M.
Fibrinogen consumption and supplementation in congenital heart patients
Ranucci M.
Risk assessment for and outcome from cardiac surgery
Reeves S.
Aortic cannulation disasters
Reeves S.
Training and credentiation for transoesohageal and transthoracic echocardiography
Riambau V.
The highlights from ESVS: guidelines for the management of descending thoracic aorta diseases: an appropriate way to face current challenges in public health
Rickli H.
Pro - Patients should have coronary angiography
Romagnoli S.
Is pulse contour analysis worthwhile and reliable in cardiovascular surgery?
Roscitano Claudio
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON AORTA - Multiorgan protection for arch surgery with frozen elephant trunk: antegrade perfusion instead of long circulatory arrest
Rosseel Peter
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON HAEMOSTASIS - The effects of Red Blood Cell Transfusion during Cardiac Surgery: a matched Cohort study in Jehovah Witnesses
Rosseel P.
Human error and team working in the operating room and critical care
Roux-Morlon Béatrice
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON PAEDIATRIC - Dosage's feasability of urine biomarkers in paediatric acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery with cardio-pulmonary bypass
Russell Nicki-Jayne
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA - Resternotomy for bleeding following cardiac surgery- the financial and clinical impact of a quality defect
Ryhammer Pia
ORAL SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ON HAEMODYNAMICS - In a FAST-TRACK protocol remifentanil is not superior to standard sufentanil regime

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