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Costume Colloquium IV: Colors in Fashion

Auditorium Al Duomo Firenze (FI) 
20/11/2014 - 22/11/2014
Programma Evento
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Fagan Affleck - Karen Herbaugh Diane
Bright Blacks, Neon Accents: Fabrics of the 1890s
Faiers Jonathan
Yellow is the New Red, or Clothing the Recession and How the Shade of Shame Became Chic
Fee Sarah
Seeing Red: The Demand for British Broadcloth in Africa and Asia, ca. 1700-1900
Finamore Michelle
Color before Color: Tinting Fashion Reels in the Silent Era
Fiorentini Aurora
Silk Paintings: The Decorative Ostentation of the Fairy Tales. The Collaboration between Gucci and Vittorio Accornero 1960-1981

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