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15 World Congress ISGE

Palazzo dei Congressi (FI) 
07/03/2012 - 10/03/2012
Programma Evento
Maclaran, Kate
Presentation and management of POF: Findings from the West London POF database
Maenaka, Takahide
Evaluation of Turner Syndrome complications
Maki, Pauline
Cognitive function in relation to hot flashes in women undergoing stellate ganglion block: baseline findings
Makrigiannakis, Antonis
Ovarian stimulation in poor responders
Manna, Claudio
Meiotic spindle presence in ART oocytes after ovarian stimulation with rFSH-LH , rFSH and HMG
Manuel Acuña, Juan
AO con Folato: una nueva era en preconcepción
Manzur, Alejandro
Reproductive consequences of obesity
Marie Scemama, Lydia
Menopause & Life style : way of life (alcohol, smoking, lack of physical activity..)
Marra, Chiara
Treatment of simple and complex endometrial hyperplasia without atypia with natural progesterone: response rate to different dose.
Martin, Ricardo
Es necesario un nuevo tratamiento para la Endometriosis ?
Maruo, Takeshi
The role of progesterone and thyroid hormone in trophoblast invasion in early placental development
Matsumoto, Tamaki
Premenstrual syndrome and autonomic nervous system activity: does heart rate variability serve as an index of mind-body interaction?
McDonnell, Donald
Definition of the molecular mechanisms underlying the pharmacological activities of SERMs and TSECs
Meczekalski, Blazej
Hypothalamic amenorrhea as neuroendocrinological and metabolic disorder
Merki-Feld, Gabriele
Improving hormonal withdrawal-associated symptoms: results from the HARMONY studies
Messinis, Ioannis
Novel aspects in the ovarian control of LH secretion
Messinis, Ioannis
The role of LH in ovarian stimulation
Mettler, Liselotte
The magic of the ovary: puberty and reproductive age
Mijatovic, Velja
Adenomyosis in the infertility clinic
Milewicz, Andrzej
Metabolic disorders in Polish Women over 60 years old and Serum Vitamin D and its Receptor Gene Polymorphism ? PolSenior Study
Miller, Virginia
Genetic polymorphisms associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in women of the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study
Mioni, Roberto
Effects of metformin on anti-müllerian hormone concentrations in hyperinsulinemic women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Montanino, Oliva Mario
Myo-inositol and in-vitro fertilization (IVF)
Montano, Rene
Morgante, Giuseppe
Insulin sensitizer and inositol in the treatment of infertile PCOS patients
Mozzanega, Bruno
Levonorgestrel-only Emergency Contraceptive Pills (LNG-ECPs): mechanism of action and official information.
Mozzanega, Bruno
Ulipristal Acetate: the mechanism of action.
Mueck, Alfred
Are estrogen metabolites 'carcinogenic'?

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