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15 World Congress ISGE

Palazzo dei Congressi (FI) 
07/03/2012 - 10/03/2012
Programma Evento
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Sabbadin, Chiara
In vitro and in vivo effects of INOSITOL in patients with PCOS
Salinas, Soledad
Functional role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors gamma in glucidic metabolism in of granulosa cells from normal and polycystic ovary syndrome women
Schenker, Joseph
Ethics and respect
Schindler, Adolf E.
Progestogen receptor and pregnancy
Sciarra, John
Alternatives to Hysterectomy
Serafini, Audrey Silvia
Obstetric outcomes in donor oocyte twin pregnancies: a comparison with ART and spontaneous pregnancies
Serfaty, David
First prescription of combined oral contraception
Shulman, Lee
Observational studies
Simon, Carlos
Modeling Human Endometrial Decidualization from the Interaction between Proteome and Secretome.
Simoncini, Tommaso
Simoncini, Tommaso
Unconventional signaling of estrogen to cancer progression
Simoncini, Tommaso
New concepts in Menopause management for the treatment of Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy
Simpson, Evan
Estrogen formation in the breast of post-menopausal women is inhibited by Metformin
Singh, Sony
The burden and management of endometriosis
Sitruk Ware, Regine
Progestins and myelin repair
Smits, Philip
Introduction and Overview of Post-Approval Surveillance Studies
Söderqvist, Gunnar
Percutaneous estradiol/oral micronized progesterone gives less adverse effects and different gene regulation than oral conjugated equine estrogens/medroxyprogesterone acetate in the breasts of healthy women in vivo.
Söderqvist, Gunnar
HRT with percutaneous Estradiol/oral micronized Progesterone regulates the expression of Estrogen receptor genes differently from oral CEE/ MPA in normal breast tissue.
Stevenson, John
Methabolic impact of dydrogesterone in HRT
Stevenson, John
Menopause and the metabolic syndrome
Studd, John
Bipolar disorder or PMDD
Sultan, Charles
Early puberty in girls = a medical, psychological and social concern
Surico, Nicola
Vulvo vaginiti da candida : un nuovo modo di gestire la patologia
Swaab, Dick
Gender identity, sexual orientation and the brain
Szarewski, Anne
Clinician's Perspective
Szekeres-Bartho, Julia
Dydrogesterone supplementation in threatened abortion
Szekeres-Bartho, Julia
Progestagen treatment for threatened and recurrent abortion; molecular mechanisms

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