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Baka Stavroula 
The expression of HLA class I and II in the endometrial tissue of women with endometriosis or adenomyosis
Baker Philip 
Preeclampsia and endothelial function
Barac Branko 
Effects of different hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimens on bone mineral density in menopausal women
Barlow David H. 
Why is the progestogen important?
Barri Pedro N. 
Pros and Cons of mild ovarian stimulation in ART
Baum Michael 
Fertility and adjuvant therapy for early breast cancer
Beato Miguel 
Transcriptional and non-transcriptional signalling of steroid hormones
Becorpi Angelamaria 
La TOS come terapia - TOS: a chi come e quanto. La perimenopausa
Becorpi Angelamaria 
Casi Clinici
Becorpi Angelamaria 
Menopause: the role of information
Belo Najara 
Impairement of the natriuretic peptide system in follitropin receptor knockout mice and reversal by estradiol: implications for menopause associated obesity and hypertension
Ben-Rafael Zion 
Agonist or antagonist what is preferable for in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
Berga Sarah 
The neuroendocrinology of recovery from functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
Berkley Karen 
Neural mechanism of the pains of endometriosis
Bhangoo Amrit 
Genotype-Phenotype Link in 46, XX Females with Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein (StAR) Mutations
Bifulco Giuseppe 
Alternatives for the treatment of uterine leiomyomas
Biglia Nicoletta 
Impatto della cultura personale sull'utilizzo della TOS: una lezione dalla ricerca scientifica
Billebeaud S. 
Transition and Adult follow up in Turner Syndrome
Birkhaeuser Martin 
Menopause, the brain and symptoms development
Birkhaeuser Martin 
Current trends in HRT - perceptions and usage
Bitzer Johannes 
Contraception et sexualité : toutes les pilules sont-elles équivalentes ?
Bitzer Johannes 
Contraception in the young adolescent: impact on the breast
Bitzer Johannes 
The modern era of contraception: a focus on patient satisfaction
Bitzer Johannes 
Psychosomatic care in patients with endometriosis
Bixler EO. 
Menopause and hormone replacement therapy: effects on objective sleep patterns
Bloise Enrrico 
Increased follistatin expression in human breast tumors
Blumenthal Paul 
Regional differences in contraceptive practices: All women are not the same
Bohbot Jean Marc 
Vaginal ecosystem balance and quality of life
Bonassi Rogerio 
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of cephaleas, particularly migraine, in oral contraceptive users
Borges Lavinia Estrela 
Expression of urocortin by human umbilical vein endothelial cells: cytokines, endothelin and dexamethasone stimulates urocortin secretion
Bouchard Philippe 
ULIPRISTAL: a progestrone receptor modulator in clinical development
Bouchard Philippe 
Hypothalamic amenorrhea: new genetic developments
Brandi Maria Luisa 
Genetics and pharmacogenetics of estrogen response
Brandi Maria Luisa 
Osteoporosi post-menopausale, fisiopatologia, clinica e impatto sociale
Brincat Mark 
Connective tissues and bone ageing
Brinton Roberta Diaz 
Optimizing estrogens and progestins for maximizing benefit in the brain
Bruni Vincenzina 
Pubertal development and the breast
Bruni Vincenzina 
Quale valutazione clinica e di laboratorio prima del trattamento con associazioni estroprogestiniche (Linee Guida WHO 2004)
Bruni Vincenzina 
Sviluppo puberale e peso corporeo
Bucciantini M. Sandra 
La contraccezione EP e le interferenze farmacologiche
Buchweitz O 
Evaluation of autoflorescence as new diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of endometriosis

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