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Abraham Suzanne 
Eating disorders and women's health
Agrawal Veena 
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (Hughes Syndrome: APS) and recurrent pregnancy loss
Ahonkallio Sari 
Diagnostics of endometrial function after thermal ablation
Al-Azzawi Farook
SERMs and the endometrium
Albu D. 
Macroprolactinemia, source of misdiagnostic in patients with hiperprolactinemia and infertility
Al-Inany Hesham 
Performance of commercially available HP-FSHs: a meta-analysis
Amash Alaa 
Magnesium Sulfate Differently Affects Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Release by Perfused Term Normotensive and Preeclamptic Human Placenta
Amunni Gianni 
Raloxifene e sicurezza clinica: azione su utero e mammella
Angioni Stefano 
Surgical management of deep infiltrating endometriosis
Arck Petra 
The 1000 Pregnant Women Study
Artini Paolo G. 
Vitrification: a promising cryopreservation method in ART
Artymuk Natalia 
A new approach to the management of endometrial hyperplasia in women with obesity
Atieh Amouzegar 
What are the risk factors of premature ovarian failure and early menopause among women in Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS)?
Attari Farnoosh 
study of apoptosis in lactotrop cells invitro

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