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Mafaldo Soares Gustavo 
Early markers of cardiovascular disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Maia H. 
Combined treatment of menorrhagia resulting from uterine fibroids by endometrial resection associated with oral gestodene 75 mcg /ethinylestradiol 30 mcg.
Maia Hugo 
Aromatase and the endometrium
Maia Hugo 
HRT with subdermal implants of estradiol and testosterone
Maia Hugo 
Menstruation, inflammation and aromatase expression in the endometrium
Maki Pauline 
Relationship between menopausal symptoms and memory dysfunction in midlife women
Makinoda Satoru
Luteinzed Unruptured Follicle (LUF) can be prevented by Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)
Mancini Fulvia 
Clitoral vascularization and menstrual cycle
Mandò Chiara 
Insulin-like growth factor ii (igf2) and h19 expression in iugr
Martignoni Emilia 
La donna a rischio di patologie neurodegenerative
Maruo Takeshi 
Regulation of extravillous trophoblast invasion in early pregnancy by thyroid hormone
Matteo M. 
Impaired process of decidualization in women with PCOS is associated with abnormal endometrial lymphocytes fluctuation during the menstrual cycle
McDonnell D. 
Mining the complexities of the estrogen and progesterone signalling pathways for new therapeutic targets
Meczekalski Blazej 
Oocyte specific genes and their role in ovarian function and dysfunction
Melis Gian Benedetto 
Inquadramento clinico-diagnostico della donna in menopausa
Mencacci Claudio 
Disturbi affettivi nelle donne
Mendelsohn Michael 
Estrogen receptor actions in the cardiovascular system
Mendelson Carole R. 
Progesterone receptor regulation of aromatase and inflammatory response pathways in breast cancer cells
Mikkola Tomi 
Menopausal HT: cardiovascular aspects
Milewicz Andrzej 
Obesity and women's health
Minoia Rosa 
Embryo-maternal communication: is the mu-opioid receptor, one of the possible cross-talking way?
Moghetti Paolo 
Il rischio di diabete tipo 2 nella paziente con insulino-resistenza
Monteleone Patrizia 
Correlation between angiogenic growth factors and perifollicular blood flow in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization
Moretti Costanzo 
Genes involved in androgen excess in women: possible role of the insulin in endothelial pathway
Moszynski Rafal 
Correlation between endothelin-1 concentration and ultrasonography Doppler findings in patients with ovarian tumors
Mozzanega B. 
Misoprostol in medical illegal abortion
Mueck Alfred O. 
Estrogen metabolism and breast cancer
Mueck AO. 
Treatment of migraine with estradiol patches to compensate estrogen withdrawal during cyclic oral contraceptives or hormone therapy

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