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G. Distante 
Thyroid function and obstetrical complications: a prospective study
Gadducci Angiolo 
Molecular target therapies in endometrial cancer
Galleri Letizia 
Increased expression of KiSS-1 in preterm placenta
Gambacciani Marco 
HRT and bone health
Gambacciani Marco 
La TOS come terapia - La donna con rischio osteoarticolare
Gambacciani Marco 
Ultra low dose HRT - benefits for the bones
Gambacciani Marco 
Managing the menopause, with special focus on Angeliq
Gambera Alessandro 
Adiponectin modulation by hyperandrogenism and insulin-resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome and normal women
Gandolfi Fulvio 
Non-invasive evaluation of oocyte developmental competence
Garcia ? Segura Luis Miguel 
Aromatase and the brain
Genazzani Alessandro D. 
Neuropharmacological approaches to hypothalamic amenorrhea
Genazzani Alessandro D. 
La PCOS: diagnostica endocrina e strategia terapeutica
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Le nuove formulazioni estroprogestiniche
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Progesterone effects on brain neurosteroids and opioids
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Genazzani Andrea R. 
TOS: per quanto tempo
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Sessualita' menopausale e terapie ormonali
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Delta 5-Androgens replacement therapy: new concepts
Genazzani Andrea R. 
Closing Ceremony
Genazzani Andrea R., Mendelsohn Michael 
Genazzani Andrea R., Mendelsohn Michael 
Gennarelli Gianluca 
Oral contraceptives, HRT and endometrium
Georgopoulos N. 
Insulin Resistance (IR) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Gerli Sandro 
Cost-effectiveness of recombinant FSH vs human FSH in intrauterine insemination cycles: a statistical model-derived analysis
Goglia Lorenzo 
The effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone on endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and on the expression of pai-1 and t-pa in human andothelial cells
Gompel Anne 
Progesterone isoforms and progestin effects in the breast
Goppel K. 
Menstrual cycle characteristics in perimenopausal women with normal and osteopenic bone density: The PEKNO-Study
Graziottin Alessandra 
Prevalence of HSDD in Europe and relevance of disorder
Graziottin Alessandra 
Le disfunzioni sessuali femminili: focus sul disturbo del desiderio sessuale ipoattivo
Grobbee Rick 
Cardiovascular ageing in men and women

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