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Cagnacci Angelo 
The benefits of intravaginal administration of hormonal contraception
Calleja-Agius J 
The Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha in Early Pregnancy
Calzolari Stefano
Camilleri Agius R 
The effect of Dexamethasone on the Pre-eclamptic Process - a brief reprieve up to Day 4 post-dexamethasone?
Campagna G 
Ethinylestradiol-chlormadinone acetate combination for the treatment of hirsutism and hormonal alterations of normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome: evalutation of metabolic impact
Candiani Massimo 
Contraccezione ed endometriosi
Cañete P 
The levels of placental hsp27, a modulator of intracellular estrogen availability, are reduced in deliveries of small fetuses
Cano Antonio 
Raloxifene action on the endothelium
Capalbo A 
The missense Ser312Asn variant of LHCGR gene is strongly associated with PCOS: a case-control
Capittini C 
Birthweight and cord blood haematopoietic stem cell content: is there a connection for cancer risk in adulthood?
Caponi D 
IVF-ET after laparoscopy for moderate-severe endometriosis. A case-control study
Carmina Enrico 
Metabolic issues and lifetime risks
Carminati R 
Vaginal Salpingectomy as Surgical Treatment for Extrauterine Tubal Pregnancy: a Pilot Randomized Study
Carone Domenico 
The need of a tailored therapy
Carp Howard 
Carp Howard 
Biochemical and recurrent biochemical pregnancies: definition and management
Caruso Salvatore 
Contraccezione e sessualità
Caruso Salvatore 
Age and metabolic related structural changes in female clitoral cavernosal tissue
Caserta Donatella 
Environmental disruptors and endometriosis
Castelo-Branco Camil 
Medical treatment for prevention of POF
Cela Vito
Cetkovic A 
Kisspeptin in pregnancies with hypertensive syndrome as a potential predictor of adverse perinatal outcome
Chabbert Buffet Nathalie 
PCOS in menopause
Natural history and long-term consequences of PCOS
Chedraui P 
Assessment of sexuality after hysterectomy using the Female Sexual Function Index
Chedraui Peter 
Chedraui Peter 
Chegini Nasser 
MicroRNAs and fibroids
Chigioni Sara 
Domestic animal models as a tool to understand human oocyte maturation
Christiansen Claus 
Christiansen Claus 
The evolution of the use of markers of bone resorption and formation in clinical practice
Cianci Antonio 
Isoflavones and lactobacilli for a natural approach to menopausal disorders
Clapauch R 
Impaired Microvascular Endothelial Function and Wall Stiffness in simultaneously diabetic and hypertensive postmenopausal women compared to controls: responses to acute Estradiol
Coccia ME 
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: the effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach
Cole LA 
Hyperglycosylated hCG in tumor invasion
Collins Peter 
Managing a Woman's Cardiovascular Risk: a Gynecologists' Guide
Collins Peter 
Cardiovascular issue
Collins Peter 
Cardiovascular Risk assessment in Women - A European Perspective
Cork DMW 
Alternatively Spliced Progesterone Receptor (PR) Expression in Breast Cancer
Cortelezzi Marta 
Marcadores endocrinos de reserva ovarica (Endocrine markers for ovarian reserve)
Creatsas George 
Hormonal contraception in adolescence
Crha I 
Luteal-phase GnRH agonist administration in IVF/ICSI cycles stimulated with the long GnRH agonist protocol
Cubeddu A 
HRT and paroxetine: the efficacy of the two treatments on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plasma levels in menopausal women
Czajkowski Krzysztof 
The role of progesterone in early pregnancy
Czyzyk A 
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in patients with Turner syndrome

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