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Portale Giovani Medici

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Paffoni Alessio 
Parthenogenesis as a system to validate novel methodologies in human IVF
Pal D 
Acaciaside-B-enriched fraction of Acacia auriculiformis possesses spermicidal as well as anti-HIV activity with wide margin of safety
Palacios Santiago 
Target organs for new SERMs
Palomba Stefano 
Infertility and pregnancy
Palomba Stefano 
Metformina e sindrome metabolica in post menopausa
Palomba Stefano 
Efficacy predictors for metformin and clomiphene citrate treatment in anovulatory infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Panay Nicholas 
Long-term hormonal treatment in patients with POF
Panay Nicholas 
PhytoSERMS - maintaining benefits, minimising risks
Paoletti Anna Maria 
Contraccezione e sintomi premestruali
Paoletti Anna Maria 
Therapies for acne and androgen excesses
Papadimitriou D 
Serum androgens are increased in the presence of MTHFR ala222val polymorphism in healthy postmenopausal women
Papini F 
Fragmin administration in women undergoing program of assisted fertilization
Pecorelli Sergio 
Hormones and ovarian cancer
Pelekanou V 
ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of ER-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis
Pelekanou V 
hERa36, a new variant of ERa: Expression and potential biological relevance in breast cancer
Pelekanou V 
ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of ER-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis
Pélissier-Langbort C , Chabbert-Buffet N 
Progestins treatment in premenopausal women
Pérez-López Faustino 
Vitamin D and cardiovascular risk
Perini D 
Comparison of effects of 3 mg drospirenone plus 20 mg ethinyl estradiol alone or combined with metformin or cyproterone acetate on classic metabolic cardiovascular risk factors in nonobese women with PCOS
Perino Antonio 
Infezioni vaginali e flogosi pelvica: un binomio non ancora risolto
Peruzzi E 
Flutamide hepatotoxicity: our experience over 176 patients
Petraglia Felice 
Fibroids, endometriosis and functional ovarian cysts
Petraglia Felice 
Endometriosis and peptides
Petraglia Felice 
Evidence-based medicine in endometriosis
Preterm birth and stress hormones
Petrilli G 
Psychopathology during pregnancy and postpartum: the importance of prenatal screening
Pfeiler G 
Influence of the dramatic fall of HRT prescription on postmenopausal breast cancer incidence: the Austrian Data
Pickar James 
Medical ethics ? who writes the rules ?
Picton Helen M 
In vitro models for understanding follicular growth and maturation
Pines Amos 
The cardiologic and metabolic aspects of HRT
Pintiaux Axelle 
The impact of SPRMS on endometrial vascularization
Pisaneschi S 
Functional and molecular analysis of umbilical vessels endothelial cells of fetuses with normal growth and intrauterine growth restriction
Pluchino Nicola
Live Office procedures from University of Bari
Pluchino Nicola 
Gonadal steroid effects on brain neurosteroids and B-Endorphin
Pluchino Nicola 
Live Office procedures from University of Bari
Podfigurna-Stopa A 
Serum kisspeptin concentrations in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
Poopalapillai J 
Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I , IGF Binding Protein-1 and Dinucleotide (CT) Repeat Polymorphism of the intron 2 of IGF-I Gene and Their Association with Birth Indices
Prat Jaime 
Subclassification of ovarian cancer based on pathology and genetics
Prat Jaime 
From endometrial hyperplasia to endometrial cancer
Procopciuc Lucia
Correlation between the TSHRc-Asp727Glu polymorphism and plasma TSH levels in Romanian preeclamptic women
Puett D 
Gene expression profiling of ovarian cancer cells post-activation of the LH receptor

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