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Kabir SN 
The size of ovarian follicular reserve impacts the expression of GDF-9 and NOBOX, and modulates the rate of follicular atresia
Kalogeropoulos SG 
How does Gestational Weight Gain Affect Pregnancy Outcome in Obese Women?
Kampa M 
Membrane acting androgens specifically modify early gene transcription in breast cancer cells
Karas Richard 
Molecular mechanisms regulating rapid vascular dilation by estrogen receptors
Karimi Zarchi M 
Fertility sparing in infertile women with endometrial cancer or complex atypical hyperplasia
Karteris E 
Environment and genetics: How GR polymorhism and maternal attitudes predict low birth weight
Kaur S 
Receptor mediated agglutination of human spermatozoa by spermagglutinating factor isolated from Staphylococcus aureus
Kechagioglou K 
Association of human progesterone receptor polymorphisms with the probability of pregnancy: a systematic review
Kenemans Peter 
Testosterone and the breast
Khaki A 
Effect of Androgenic Activity of Zingiber officinale on Serum FSH, LH, Testosterone hormone and Spermatogenesis in Rat
Kiesel Ludwig 
Clinical cases: hyperandrogenic woman with hyrsutism, acne and no will of pregnancy
Kiesel Ludwig 
Stem cells in endometrium and endometriosis
Klimov V 
Autosensibilization to the progesterone and syndrome loss of pregnancy
Klimov V 
Abnormality processes angiogenezise in pathogenesis of preeclampsia
Koloda YA 
Effect of overweight and obesity on assisted reproductive technology outcomes
Konrad L 
Are cell lines a suitable model for studying endometriosis
Koutlaki N 
Relation of body mass index and blood androgens levels to tumor prognostic factors among premenopausal women with breast cancer
Kovalenko Y 
Role of nonspecific proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors in endometrial hyperplasia development

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