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Saggese Giuseppe 
Acquisition of bone mass during childhood and adolescence. Physiological and clinical aspects
Saha P 
Puerarin, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, disrupts embryo-uterine communication and inhibits implantation in rats
Saki G 
In vivo study the effect of Oxamate on LDH-C4 activity of sperm in Rat
Salvador S 
Short-term follow-up of voluntary abortion in an Italian centre: a prospective analysis of 186 cases
Sanchez Matias 
Breast actions of gonadotrophins
Sanna S 
Metformin effect in PCOS patients is not dose dependent
Santen Richard J 
Aromatase and breast cancer
Santini Ferruccio 
Diabete tipo II e obesità
Santonocito M 
Identification and validation of molecular markers of human oocyte biological quality after vitrification
Sato Y 
Maternal platelets and placental vascular remodeling
Sbano FM 
Effectiveness of LNG-IUD in relation to FSH serum levels in patients with menorrhagia
Scagliola P 
Anti-mullerian hormone evaluation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Scarselli Gianfranco 
Epigenetic alterations in endometriotic tissue : the role of hox genes
Scarselli Gianfranco 
Scemama Lydia Marie 
Premature ovarian failure and gynecology
Schaefer WR 
Effects of drugs and endocrine active chemicals on endometrial gene-expression biomarkers in vitro
Schenker Joseph
Schenker Joseph 
Complications of Induction of Ovulation
Schenker Joseph 
New aspects of OHSS
Schifano Martina
Detailed fetal anatomy assessment in the first trimester at 11, 12 and 13 weeks of gestation
Schindler Adolf 
How to select the contraceptive for each specific woman
Schindler Adolf 
Dienogest ? a novel progestogen for the treatment of endometriosis
Schindler Adolf 
Measuring hormone levels - in the Seventies and today
Schindler Adolf 
Schumacher Michael 
Progesterone, new insights in Trauma Brain Injury
Sciarra John 
Alternatives to hysterectomy
Seeber B 
Reduced ability to activate macrophages via Vitamin-D-Binding Protein may contribute to the pathogenesis of endometriosis
Seifert-Klauss V 
Do elevated FSH-levels during perimenopause increase loss of bone density?
Seitz C 
The safety profile of dienogest in endometriosis: pooled analyses from the clinical study program
Serfaty David 
Interest of LONG-acting reversible contraception
Serra Giovan Battista 
Appropriatezza prescrittivi e responsabilità professionale
Shahinaj R 
The value of the middle-cerebral-to-umbilical-artery pulsatility index ratio in the prediction of adverse neonatal outcome in the fetuses with IUGR and preeclampsia
Shamsi MB 
ROS levels and DNA damage - association with poor sperm quality and Medically Assisted Procreation failure
Shebl O 
Effect of ovarian drilling on serum AMH level in women with PCOS
Shoham Zeev 
Luteal support in ART cycles: Why, with what, and for how long?
Shoham Zeev 
The role of LH in the stimulation protocols
Signori C 
Metabolic features and uterine artery color doppler analysis in polycistic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and control women
Silva Ismael 
Genetic analysis and cAMP measurement between lean and obese (ob/ob) anovulating mice
Simi G 
Laparoscopy single-port surgery in gynecology: our experiences 85
Simi Paolo 
Prenatal diagnosis: past, present and future
Simoncini Tommaso 
Rapid signalling mechanisms of steroids on the cytoskeleton
Simpson Evan 
Sex, aging, fat and breast cancer - an update
Singh M 
Endometrial Tuberculosis- Case for Differential Diagnosis in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Late Reproductive Period
Siseles Nestor 
HRT and CVS - an update
Sismondi Piero 
New frontiers in integrated therapy in breast cancer
Sismondi Piero 
La mammella nell'ambulatorio del ginecologo
Sisó Raber C 
A poblational study of menopause and quality of life
Sitruk Ware Regine 
Hormonal creativity in contraception
Sitruk Ware Regine 
Are all progestins created equal?
Sitruk Ware Regine 
Vascular effects of progestins
Skouby Sven 
Metabolic actions of hormonal contraceptives
Skouby Sven 
Is there justification for the widespread fear about the dangers of HRT?
Smetnik Vera 
The androgen-deficiency syndrome and related diseases
Smolarczyk Roman 
Practical solution of hyperprolactinaemia in gynecological practice
Soderqvist Gunnar 
Progesterone and progestins effects on breast tissue proliferation and breast cancer risk markers
Spinelli C 
Ovarian lesions in children and adolescents: evaluation and management of 104 cases
Spitaleri M 
Antithyroid antibodies and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Spratte J 
Heparin and low molecular weight heparins modulate the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells
Stangel-Wójcikiewicz K 
Laparoscopic modification of colpopexy technique performed with LSH, TLH, and after open hysterectomy
Stevenson John 
Should all menopausal women with metabolic syndrome receive HRT?
Stevenson John 
Menstrual cycle
Stomati M 
Low-dose oral deydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation in postmenopausal women
Stoykova V 
Second trimester Uterine Artery Doppler evaluation as predictor of hypertensive disorders in late pregnancy
Strowitzki Thomas 
New evidence for a special progestin: Clinical data for Dienogest
Studd John 
Why are physicians and psychiatrists unwilling to prescribe estrogens to women?
Sturdee David 
Hormonal control of endometrial hyperplasia
Sturdee David 
Sultan Charles 
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: from clinic to gene, from gene to clinic
Sultan Charles 
Pediatric origins of adult PCOS
Sundermann Erin 
The Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase & Stress on Cognitive Flexibility
Suturina L 
Antioxidant insufficiency in women with endocrine infertility

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