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Portale Giovani Medici

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Taavoni S 
Postoperative pain management in gynecology and postpartum wards in main referral hospirtal, Iran University of Medical Sciences
Takagi K 
Successful pregnancy after intermittent hormone replacement therapy in a patient with premature ovarian failure
Takao Y 
Human luteal cells express Monoamine oxidase-A during early pregnancy
Talaee RZ 
Genetic predisposition of polycystic ovarian disease: Report of clusters within 10 large families; inclusion of novel signs and describing male PCOD
Tan O 
Activation and action of ezrin protein during the endometrial cycle and its potential role in embryo implantation
Taran AF 
Magnetic Resonance Elastography Allows Quantitative Assessment of Uterine Leiomyomas
Tarlatzis Basil 
Surgical and ART treatment
Tarlatzis Basil 
Chances for fertility preservation and ovulation induction in POF patients
Tarlatzis Basil 
Tarlatzis Basil 
Gonadotropin stimulation for ART: from urinary hMG to "pure" recombinant human (FSH-LH) preparations
Taylor Robert 
Inflammation and endometriosis
Tempone Antonio 
Iatrogenic POF
Thong KJ 
Evaluation of Anti-Mullerian hormone in predicting cumulative pregnancy outcome during assisted reproduction
Tica Oana Sorina 
Abnormal pregnancies after clomiphene citrate
Torricelli Michela 
Preterm birth and neuropeptides
Tosi V 
Effect of dydrogesterone, dehydro-dydrogesterone, progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate on T47D breast cancer cell migration and invasion
Toulis Konstantinos
Risk of spontaneous miscarriage in euthyroid women with thyroid autoimmunity undergoing in-vitro fertilization: a systematic review and a meta-analysis
Tsampalas M 
The endometrial hCG/LH receptor: quantification throughout the menstrual cycle
Tuck A 
Increased kit ligand levels in human polycystic ovaries
Turp AB 
Are We Missing Out Evaluation of Paternal Chromosomal Abnormality In Recurrent Miscarriage? Varicocele and Sperm FISH
Tutchenko TN 
Glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 Polymorphisms and the Risk of Recurrent Early Pregnancy Loss in Women with High Perceived Stress
Tyson-Capper A 
The role of endogenous ligands in modulating inflammation and TLR signalling events associated with preterm birth
Tyson-Capper A 
Non-classical pathways are responsible for the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action of progesterone in human myometrial and amnion cells

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